The Margay is an adorable little animal that needs your help to survive!

The Aztec's described the Margay as the "Cat of the Trees"... the Mayans named it the "Arc of an Arrow" due to it's intellectual and physical vigor.
The Margay is a beautiful, intellegent, mysterious wildcat aboreal by nature. Living in the trees the Margay hunts, jumps, climbs, and plays... however, their habitats are being destroyed amongst many other threats they face.
The Margay fights for survival as it faces deforestation, underground fur trade, and illigal hunting. There are only 64 protected in reserves worldwide, according to the International Species Information Service.
The Margay is listed as "Near Threatened" at this time. We need to come together to do everything we can to save the Margay... as well as make sure that the Margay does not fall into the "Vulnerable" category as defined by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Let's save the Margay!
Photo Credit (1): Rictor Norton & David Allen
Photo Credit (2):