Please sign the petition that is in the form of a letter presented below to raise more children with empathy in the world and to prevent people from perceiving cruelties and atrocities with apathy.
Dear Secretary-General
It appears that the world is becoming a place where atrocities are being minimized through the efforts of organizations like UNESCO day by day.
None of us would want to risk the future of our children and any child in the world and worldwide sense of empathy and compassion would minimize such risks.
Naturally, the children growing in an atmosphere where cruelty and misuse of beings are presented as normal ways of living would welcome them with interest, rationalize them and other atrocities in his/her mind, grow up without feeling respect and empathy for the absolute rights of others, and become insensible towards such deeds. He/she might end up damaging himself/herself and dramatize lives of others.
I strongly believe that prisons and hospitals can be minimized if the world has strong sanctions against the deeds done through cruelty and welcomed through apathy.
As hunting is legal and connected with numerous debatable issues, UNESCO’s function can be the encouragement programs regarding the removal or replacement of decorative hunted animals. However, poached animals must be subject to sanctions and asked for immediate removal as poaching is illegal.
I would like you to invite the peoples of UNESCO to end atmospheres like homes or computer games exhibiting cloying and graphic scenes to our children to look for other and more ethical ways of living.
Hence, I request the removal of such things that call for cruelty and apathy worldwide from the venues, including the hunting clubs, homes, museums of hunter celebrities, etc. through the endeavor and encouragements of UNESCO.
Thank you