Judge knocks down animal cruelty charges against cat-kicker
January 8, 2015 | 5:25pm
Kicking the cat clearly reflects the malicious intentions of the individual and should be liable for punishment.
We appeal to the respective law enforcement agencies to help render justice so that no one ever repeats such an cruel offense ever again please.
To cast doubt upon the cats extent of injury or state of being is not justified please. What the cat has endured, it knows.
It is in the most deepest silence that the conscience; the consciousness and the conscientiousness of animal lovers from all across the World reaches across imploring the judge, the jury, the respective law enforcement officials to realize that it is not about imposition of punishment that is the question but rather prevention of any such cruel actions please.
To dismiss the case and grant benefit of doubt to the individual is setting a precedent for many more individuals to treat their pets and animals in any manner they deem appropriate and that could be extremely fatal for the well being of the respective pets/animals please.
Pets and animals are not meant to be abused, not meant to be beaten, not meant to be kicked or flung around like toys; they are living beings like all of us and feel the pain as we all do; when it hurts them, it really hurts them and hurts all of us as well please; the difference is that they cannot reach across and appeal for help, they suffer the intense excruciating pain in extreme agony and agitated silence; if they have to cry; if they have to weep; if they have to be given assitance; if they have to heal; if they have to be helped; and so many more noble and benevolent actions, sadly they are not possibly given or considered as it shows here, since in their solitude they suffer and pay the enormous price for some one else's whims and negligence, but why please?
It is really sad that because of lack of sufficient evidence that can prove whether the cat has actually endured sufficient abuse that the individual can be liable? What grounds of consideration are these plase?
The video clip clearly shows the fierce kick and the extent to which the kick makes the cat helplessly get flung across, what all it faced and suffered, we do not know, but for sure is not fair since the individual after that is enjoying this?
That by itself shows what perspective and lack of regard and etiquette that he has for the helpless cat by hurting it so cruelly and then thinking that he is not liable? How can it be so please? This way is the most unfairest of ways since he has wronged and then denies any wrongdoing?
And we as human beings are ordained by the dictates of our conscience; our morality; our character; our principles and values as well as by the grace and wisdom of God to ensure that we live in harmony with them and not harm only with them please; please kindly help ensure that the harshest and stiffest penalties are imposed and the case-the sentence awarded is globally publicized so that no one ever dares ever again to ever hurt any pets or any animals whether in thought or deed please.
We earnestly await your thoughtful deliberations and much awaited fair justice please, God bless.
Transcript of letter that has been sent appealing for justice
19 January 2015
New York City Civil Court
141 Livingston Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Executive Office for United States Attorneys
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 2242
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Subject: Appealing for Justice, Cat Kicking
Reference: Extremely Important and Urgent
Respected Judge ShawnDya Simpson/Justice Department, Brooklyn, New York,
With all due respect, it is our sincere appeal to reach across to you to seek your benevolent help regarding the following case.
Judge knocks down animal cruelty charges against cat-kicker
We have launched a hopeful petition to seek support at this extremely precarious juncture that this case is positioned and its outcome may possibly further affect and strongly influence the welfare of many more pets most certainly.
The reason we mention this is because when Andre Robinson who as can be noted from the video clip fiercely kicked the cat, what impact that kick had, how it hurt the cat and all the more, no one could precisely determine since apparently the cat cannot speak or file a statement; but then pet lovers all across the World are deeply concerned at the anticipated justice in this regard.
If more potential evidence is sought, what could be more authentic that the video clip please?
If only the cat could speak and there was more elaborate evidence in this regard, it would be justifying the need for evidence, however in this regard, as human beings, regardless of how many times we watch the video clip, we are deeply moved and feel as well as experience an extremely strong affinity with the helpless cat who had to sadly endure what was an cruel abuse and suffered in pain but that could not be witnessed of recorded further, the video clip has been purpotedly taken and posted on Facebook as can been reviewed at the conclusion of the clip, the delight grin on Andre Robinson's face as if he has gained and enjoyed from this cruel action? Really, how can anyone ever do this and how can anyone ever actually demand irrefutable evidence to determine to what extent the cat was injured and whether hurt, whether this warrants an penalty or punishment?
We are not authorized to speak or cast any statements or reflect upon the process of the court and please kindly note that our words are humbly being expressed right from our hearts where we are not permitting any sentiments to cloud or bar our vision; rather, we are genuinely feeling extremely sorry and helpless at not being able to actually have helped the cat and now when noticing the course this case is taking, we are all the more aggrieved and dismayed to note how challengingly the case is resulting?
We know that there is the divinity in each and every one of us witnessing the cascade of events unfolding and then our respective attitudes and mannerisms as well as our pure intents relating to practice of righteousness. We can definitely say the following with utmost respect that the cat will remain and gain greater stature and support at home as well as all across the World since in the eyes of one and all its rights have been severly exploited, it has been challengingly hurt and disregarded and this is a clear case of shameful abuse which if left or considered as trivial could only precipitate similar set of unfortunate cases or results, since others watching would think that what they feel is right? and what others feel is not right? How come please? How can anyone ever think of kicking a cat and getting away with that just because of lack of sufficient evidence please? How come please? Please do remember, we are all along speaking with utmost respect and not questioning any of the justice intentions, rather it is Andre Robinson's attitude and wrongdoing that cruelly keeps reflecting and amplifying everything else very most harshly, leaving us in extreme shock and speechless, earnestly appealing over and over again for justice please, please, please and please, utmost fervent appeal fior justice please.
The petition that has been featured in this regard is the following:-
The video clip is the following:-
We are humbly and respectfully appealing with complete faith, trust and goodwill that fair and thorough justice will be rendered whereby no other pet will ever have to undergo such harsh cruelty at getting kicked around.
Looking at this clip so many times over and over again leaves us speechless each time since it is clearly showing how helplessly the cat is literally flung across; it is a form of violence and abuse of the pets rights.
The outcome of this case is being keenly watched by millions of animal lovers all across the World who sympathize with the cat not because of being a pet lover only but rather because of the element of compassion, good conduct and remarkable etiquette and impeccable manners society teaches us to treat others with dignity and respect in all walks of life; even if the other might be a pet please.
With our minds and hearts full of hope and confidence, we earnestly look forward and ahead towards the truth of justice as well as the justice of the truth, God bless.
Vashi Chandi (on behalf of Concerned Supporters)
19 January 2015
New York City Civil Court
141 Livingston Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Executive Office for United States Attorneys
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 2242
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Subject: Appealing for Justice, Cat Kicking
Reference: Extremely Important and Urgent
Respected Judge ShawnDya Simpson/Justice Department, Brooklyn, New York,
With all due respect, it is our sincere appeal to reach across to you to seek your benevolent help regarding the following case.
Judge knocks down animal cruelty charges against cat-kicker
We have launched a hopeful petition to seek support at this extremely precarious juncture that this case is positioned and its outcome may possibly further affect and strongly influence the welfare of many more pets most certainly.
The reason we mention this is because when Andre Robinson who as can be noted from the video clip fiercely kicked the cat, what impact that kick had, how it hurt the cat and all the more, no one could precisely determine since apparently the cat cannot speak or file a statement; but then pet lovers all across the World are deeply concerned at the anticipated justice in this regard.
If more potential evidence is sought, what could be more authentic that the video clip please?
If only the cat could speak and there was more elaborate evidence in this regard, it would be justifying the need for evidence, however in this regard, as human beings, regardless of how many times we watch the video clip, we are deeply moved and feel as well as experience an extremely strong affinity with the helpless cat who had to sadly endure what was an cruel abuse and suffered in pain but that could not be witnessed of recorded further, the video clip has been purpotedly taken and posted on Facebook as can been reviewed at the conclusion of the clip, the delight grin on Andre Robinson's face as if he has gained and enjoyed from this cruel action? Really, how can anyone ever do this and how can anyone ever actually demand irrefutable evidence to determine to what extent the cat was injured and whether hurt, whether this warrants an penalty or punishment?
We are not authorized to speak or cast any statements or reflect upon the process of the court and please kindly note that our words are humbly being expressed right from our hearts where we are not permitting any sentiments to cloud or bar our vision; rather, we are genuinely feeling extremely sorry and helpless at not being able to actually have helped the cat and now when noticing the course this case is taking, we are all the more aggrieved and dismayed to note how challengingly the case is resulting?
We know that there is the divinity in each and every one of us witnessing the cascade of events unfolding and then our respective attitudes and mannerisms as well as our pure intents relating to practice of righteousness. We can definitely say the following with utmost respect that the cat will remain and gain greater stature and support at home as well as all across the World since in the eyes of one and all its rights have been severly exploited, it has been challengingly hurt and disregarded and this is a clear case of shameful abuse which if left or considered as trivial could only precipitate similar set of unfortunate cases or results, since others watching would think that what they feel is right? and what others feel is not right? How come please? How can anyone ever think of kicking a cat and getting away with that just because of lack of sufficient evidence please? How come please? Please do remember, we are all along speaking with utmost respect and not questioning any of the justice intentions, rather it is Andre Robinson's attitude and wrongdoing that cruelly keeps reflecting and amplifying everything else very most harshly, leaving us in extreme shock and speechless, earnestly appealing over and over again for justice please, please, please and please, utmost fervent appeal fior justice please.
The petition that has been featured in this regard is the following:-
The video clip is the following:-
We are humbly and respectfully appealing with complete faith, trust and goodwill that fair and thorough justice will be rendered whereby no other pet will ever have to undergo such harsh cruelty at getting kicked around.
Looking at this clip so many times over and over again leaves us speechless each time since it is clearly showing how helplessly the cat is literally flung across; it is a form of violence and abuse of the pets rights.
The outcome of this case is being keenly watched by millions of animal lovers all across the World who sympathize with the cat not because of being a pet lover only but rather because of the element of compassion, good conduct and remarkable etiquette and impeccable manners society teaches us to treat others with dignity and respect in all walks of life; even if the other might be a pet please.
With our minds and hearts full of hope and confidence, we earnestly look forward and ahead towards the truth of justice as well as the justice of the truth, God bless.
Vashi Chandi (on behalf of Concerned Supporters)
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