Two marshalls and a police officer showed up at 811 Dillingham St. Phenix City, AL. They were looking for someone showing photos of a suspect. While asking Robert Westfall if he had ever seen the person, the cop went into the barn. When the cop came out, Robert's dog Cola saw him and barked at him twice. The officer shot and killed Cola. He was shot in the back of the head. Police claim he was aggressive, but it is a lie. Many witnesses saw what happened and he was shot from behind. Witnesses say Cola was 15 feet away from the officer and was even wagging his tail when he barked at him twice. When news caster, David Hurst from WRBL NEWS 3 showed up all the officers ran off. It took them a whole day to get them to talk and then they lied claiming Cola tried to attack. They are lying to cover their butts. Cola was shot for no reason and he deserves justice.