Located at the top of this tributary to the Rappahannock River is a vast marsh land teaming with natural wildlife. The waterway is filled with oysters, crabs, and fish and the marshes contain all the naturally found habitit and wildlife you would find in and around our Northern Neck waterways. Unfortunately, the White Stone, VA Town Council met behind closed doors earlier this year and unanimously approved the location of the town's sewer development site, located just outside the town limits on Mosquito Point Road, directly at the top of the headwaters of this picture. The designated sewer development property adjoins private farms, including the original Turlington family farm, Yellow House Farm, marsh lands with a stream and a cove that serves as direct tributary to the Rappahannock River. The Town Council is "rushing" the project without having fully vetted effects on natural habitat as well as aesthetics of the environment of nearby community. We oppose this project and insist that another location be obtained that will not cause detrimental impact to our favored surrounding natural habitat and environmental aesthetics of nearby home communities. Whether you are a native northern necker, come-here, been here, from here, or wannabe here, we are all stewards of this unique and beautiful region we call home. If you are from the Northern Neck, your heritage demands opposing this site. Please sign the petition and support our Northern Neck heritage that demands action against the location decision of White Stone's Sewer development. Please sign the petition and PM me if you are interested in helping further with this initiative. Thank you for caring and thank your parents, grandparents, and great grandparents for loving the Northern Neck!