We live in a world where pollution is overtaking our earth causing many environmental hazards. When I travel to the city it’s almost impossible to see the stars from all the smoke and pollution caused from factories and buildings, and forget about hearing the birds sing because there’s usually so much noise it’s almost impossible to think. Some of the enjoyments of living in the country is I can hear my kids playing in the back yard and when we have family camp out nights in the yard we can locate the big and little dipper in the sky without a cloud of smoke. So why should we watch our country homes be destroyed by a multibillion dollar company that can buy many other spaces that’s not making less homes for animals and polluting our children’s air they breathe? Upstate Weitsman Shredding company plan on building another office and work site on Berry Road Lounsberry, New York. I plan to stop this by help from local friends of the area that grew up knowing the beauty of this town.
Being an animal activist I would think that they would want to protect an animal that is rare and has been close to extinction, such as our nation’s bird the Bald Eagle. I have witness with my own eyes an adult bald eagle feasting in the middle of the corn field on Berry road Lounsberry, New York. The same location that Weitsman plan to destroy and build. Bald Eagles have been fighting extinction for years and they are endangered. Living in the area they have fresh water that can be contaminated by chemical spills, a home in the trees to have a family that will be cut down to build and expand their business, and food they eat like rabbits and venison that will be run out of their homes as well. All for what? To expand there business? I know of many old factories that need to be torn down and they can rebuild there. So why Lounsberry? Why in the country that has so much beauty and peace? Questions I want answered.
Not only do we have to worry about animal endangerment but what about the environment hazards? For example many people bring scrap to Weitsman which gives them a little extra cash but some of those items have poisonous chemicals that can enter the fresh water creek. The same creek the animals we use to put food in our familys mouths like venison drink from. I have walked the creek on Hunts Creek road off of Berry Road and it is beautiful and many of our children love to go down to the creek for fun activities we grew up enjoying like crawdad fishing and cooling down in the deeper parts to swim on a hot summer day. Do we really want that to be taken away from our children? If it can hit our nearby creek what about our water wells we drink from and bathe from, unlike cities and towns we get our water supply from wells underground. Should we have to worry about contamination that might happen? Accidents do happen! Remember the major oil spill that contaminated a good part of our ocean life?
I grew up in and out of city and country life and when I can choose for myself I choose the country it’s supposed to be safer and healthier for our children to grow up in. My husband did grow up in Lounsberry and he wouldn’t want it any other way because its home. So I hope to hear from the locals that grew up here and know this is home and I hope to hear from those that may not have had the luxury to live here but have seen the beauty and appreciate it. Please help out to reach the goal of 1000 signatures to stop this production and take small step to save a part of our planet!
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