Delaware introduced a new House bill that would make it a class A misdemeanor to dock cow and calf tails.
Dairy cattle tail docking involves cutting off a cow's tail, usually without anesthesia. In addition to the pain endured during the procedure, cows have experienced chronic pain and discomfort as a result of tail docking. Removing the tail also removes the cow's natural defense against flies, and their means of signaling other cows with their tails. Farmers argue that dirty tails can contaminate udders, causing mastitis, but research shows that parts of the tail that become contaminated with manure do not come into close contact with udders.
Tail docking is a cruel and useless practice that deprives cows of leading a natural and quality life. Please sign the petition to urge the Delaware House of Representatives to pass the bill to make tail docking a misdemeanor!
We, the undersigned, are writing to support Delaware's new House bill, #189, that would make it a class A misdemeanor to dock cow and calf tails.
Dairy cattle tail docking involves cutting off a cow's tail, usually without anesthesia. In addition to the pain endured during the procedure, cows have experienced chronic pain and discomfort as a result of tail docking. Removing the tail also removes the cow's natural defense against flies, and their means of signaling other cows with their tails. Farmers argue that dirty tails can contaminate udders, causing mastitis, but research shows that parts of the tail that become contaminated with manure do not come into close contact with udders.
We believe that tail docking is a cruel and useless practice that deprives cows of leading a natural and quality life. We respectfully urge you to pass the bill to make tail docking a misdemeanor. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.