Mathilda is a spider monkey that is living in a dirty cage in a horrible, neglected zoo in Santiago, Mexico, all by herself. Her cage is filthy, and she is left alone all day. No staff is around and no one looks after the animals. The staff only comes to feed her in the early morning and late afternoon, but the zoo is abandoned all day long.
We have campaigned the local mayor to close the zoo and send the animals to sanctuaries, but he has refused to listen. Mathilda is the only spider monkey left in this “zoo”. Spider monkeys are in danger of extinction and for that reason alone Mathilda cannot be locked up in such horrible conditions.
We have found a beautiful sanctuary for Mathilda and we have also raised funds to pay for her transportation, but Profepa (the local wildlife protection agency) is not doing its job and lets Mathilda linger in her prison. Her sanctuary has offered her a home, and we have money to fly her there, but local authorities are refusing to do what they are supposed to do. By signing this petition you can help us pressure authorities to do their job and send Mathilda home.
Profepa, por favor envie a la mona araña al santuario que hemos encontrado para ella. Tenemos el dinero y un santuario hermoso. Hagan su trabajo y areglen sus papeles. Un animal que pertenece a una especie que está en peligro de extinción no puede estar encerrado en un lugar tan deplorable. No puede ser permitido.
We have found a beautiful sanctuary for Mathilda and we have also raised funds to pay for her transportation, but Profepa (the local wildlife protection agency) is not doing its job and lets Mathilda linger in her prison. Her sanctuary has offered her a home, and we have money to fly her there, but local authorities are refusing to do what they are supposed to do. By signing this petition you can help us pressure authorities to do their job and send Mathilda home.