Youtube, PLEASE remove the PestZap videos!

There are two videos on youtube where someone uses a live domestic rat, and a live domestic mouse, to demonstrate their electric trap. It is illegal to test on animals without the correct licensing and qualifications, which the makers of these videos quite clearly do NOT have. These videos are still there despite several flags. I do not agree with animal testing, but testing things on animals without the correct lisences and qualifications is ILLEGAL in pretty much ALL countries.

These vile videos may also inspire other cruel sadistic people to carry out the same cruelty on their pets, siblings pets or neighbor's pets or wild animals. If a wild bird were to be killed in this trap in the UK it is a criminal offense as birds are protected by law.

Youtube may 'accept controversial things' but this is not controversial, it is not free speech, it is downright cruelty to animals. Why add an option to report animal abuse if nothing is done to remove the videos?. Larry Page, Google, YouTube, SHAME ON YOU for allowing these videos to remain on a site frequented by all kinds of people, some who may be suggestable to doing such things themselves. To make this video any different to a puppy or kitten being electocuted is pure speciesism.

Please show respect to all creatures great and small by removing these videos and potentially informing law enforcement of illegal activities.

YouTube's own rules can be found here:

These videos violate several of them.

I have decided not to put the links directly in here as  I am sharing on Facebook rat and mouse groups where such content is not allowed, and that children my access it if I put the links on here. The main target is Google, Larry Page and anyone associated with Youtube moderation, purchase or the site as a whole.

If you wish to view them, you can find them, but just FLAG and DO NOT view them as the content is very distressing.

Rodents deserve better, wild or domestic. Testing this vile contraption on a wild animal would still have been illegal and no better. I urge you to flag the videos, NOT watch them. Post the link to this petition in the box, to show them we mean business!. Animal rights do not stop with dogs and cats, they cover mice, rats, rabbits, hamsters and all creatures great and small. A man was prosecuted in the UK for killing his girlfriend's hamster, how is this any better?. It's ILLEGAL material on a site that claims not to allow ILLEGAL material.

PLEASE COMMENT HERE, comments give the petition more punch!.

Larry Page

Google, CEO

Please remove these awful, illegal videos from your site.

If this was a puppy or kitten the makers would have been prosecuted and there would have been outrage world wide. Have some compassion and make sure they are removed as soon as possible. The content of the videos amounts to vivisection, which is illegal to perform without the correct licensing and qualifications. Even then I do not agree with it. However the content of these videos is illegal.

Yours sincerely,

Update #310 years ago
As of today these vile videos are still on the site, I urge you to also find (but do not watch) them and flag them, sending a link to this petition in the flag comment box.
Update #210 years ago
I still need more signatures, please help by sharing this petition as many times as you can.
Update #110 years ago
Thank you all who have signed so far, but please share and help me push on to my target. This is me vs a multinational company, so please as much help as possible would be much appreciated!!!!
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