Please sign and share this petition nationwide on all media sites in our continued efforts to keep animals from performing in the circus. An organization known as Voice of the Animals continues to support this issue due to the animal cruelty they all endure in the circus home and environment. We are pleased to make a first step with Ringling Brothers in keeping elephants free as of 2018 but we still have a long way to go and need continue support to protect all animals from the perils of the circus life!
We are all pleased to hear that, at least by 2018, elephants will be free from the circus life and the cruelty they endure in this type of life. Most people love to see animals perform but what most do not realize is the unsafe, unnatural conditions they are kept in for pleasure and the cruelty they undergo through training!
We have reached our first goal with saving the elephants from the cruel life, but not soon enough, but what about the many other animals that still endure the abuse and cruelty of the circus life? We are here to target and support the Voice for Animals Organization as they fight to get the elephants out of this environment much sooner, along with any other animals in this life!
The Voice for Animals Organization in Wilkes Barre, PA is correct in stating that said by waiting three years, more baby elephants will be “forcefully stolen from their mothers, beaten, shocked and have food withheld from them until they learn these stupid tricks to entertain humans for these additional years in the circus life." Why are they waiting three years, and why only release elephants from this life when other animal performers are still going to be in peril??
The President of Voice for Animals Organization continues to say “What about all the lions, tigers and other beautiful wild animals who live in Ringling’s box carts — usually a 5-foot by 5 foot space often called “Beast Wagons” and are carted all over the country by train all year long? Normally in the wild these animals would be with their families and are known to travel 50 to 100 miles a day. The only time these unfortunate animals come out in circuses is to do stupid tricks for humans, the rest of the time they live in these boxes. They perform these tricks out of fear and intimidation, and knowing what will happen to them if they don’t perform these tricks.”
If all humans knew exactly how much violence any of these poor animals had to endure when performing such confusing, difficult and often painful tricks for their entertainment, everyone would be appalled. and that is exactly what happens! Please help us to support this crucial organization to stop all use of all animals in circuses by signing and sharing this petition worldwide, and have your voices heard! In addition, you can also write to local organizations and newspeople in your area and demand that they not promote circuses that exploit and utilize animals!
PAWS, Voice for Animals Organization & National Organization for Welfare of Animals - We need to all band together and speakly out in the name of all wild and exotic animals - ban the use of any and all animals in circuses! Ringling Brothers is taking a first step in banning elephants from their circuses but not until 2018. We wish it would be sooner but surely want to protect all animals by stopping the use of and banning all animals in all circuses worldwide!
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