Demand a world wide child restriction law
- by: Jeremy Troiano
- recipient: The United nations and other sovereigns of the world!
As you know; there are over 7 billion people in the world! Possibly 8 billion! And the human population is growing out of control! There are projections of the human population reaching over 11 billion by the year 2030! And the earth simply can't sustain that many humans! Between the food we eat the water we drink and the countless other demands we make on the earth's resources; there simply isn't enough to go around! Plus with the constant expansion of human cityscapes squeezing out vital habitat; we are throwing every thing out of balance! As any ecologist would tell you; it takes a wide assortment of different organisms doing different things to maintain a viable ecosystem! To keep this planet we call earth habitable for us; we need to share it!
Studies show that if we take steps to live a more sustainable lifestyle; like eliminating waste; walking and biking more and stopping use of fossil fuels! For just a couple of examples! The earth could be able to sustain about 9 billion people at most! To stop the human population exceeding that limit; we need to stop the population growth! If the family child birth rate is maintained at 2 children per couple! That will be just enough to replace the parents when they pass on! And the population won't grow beyond current numbers! But the most readily available method of ensuring this family birth rate; is to do like the Chinese and Japanese and legislate child restriction laws! The one baby law China set originally proved to restrictive in a society where sons were so highly preferred and now a whole generation has maybe one woman for every twenty men! Forcing China to change the law to the one son two baby law it is now! Japan's two baby law is proving more sustainable! But with the Japanese island chain already over populated; they need to take steps to reduce their population! Not just hold the line! In China the relaxation of their one baby law only applies to people in the rural areas of the country! In the city the original one baby law remains intact!
Sadly China and Japan can't hold the line for the world! We need to take Japan's two baby law and make it international! And we need to inforce this law! We may not like it! But with how things are we don't have a choice!
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