Alaska is full of beautiful wildlife that can not be found anywhere else. Tongass National Forest & Bristol Bay are home to many species of salmon including Chinook and Sock-eye Salmon. As well as being a main food source for bears and Eagles, it is also important for Alaska's marine life such as Minke Whales, Orcas and Belugas.
Recently, Sockeye salmon has dropped majorly in numbers and is making fisheries and seafood marketing businesses unstable for sustainable, wild-caught salmon; even though demand for Alaskan salmon is very high, the suppliers are struggling due to low numbers. A seafood marketing chain called Extreme Seafood may be closing its doors due to such drop.
It is very important that we protect these salmon of Alaska - while we would miss a succulent filet of salmon, it would also inevitably starve the animals who depend on these fish to survive and also would unbalance the delicate Alaskan ecosystem.
Please sign my petition and tell Senator Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murwoski to make stricter laws against commercial fishing - to save an important food source for all animals and keep the Alaskan ecosystem in balance.
Senator Dan Sullivan & Lisa Murwoski:
We, the undersigned, urge you to protect the wild alaskan salmon at Tongass National Forest & Bristol Bay. They are home to five species of salmon including Sockeye & Chinook, who depend on a healthy Tongass river and Bristol bay in order to successfully thrive.
Apart from being important in the ecosystem food web, they are also the main food source of many wildlife including: eagles, bears, belugas, killer whales and minke whales. Without these salmon, there would be no food source and these animals would inevitably starve.
There has been a struggle for many grocers, restaurants and seafood market chains to adaquately supply salmon throughout the United States. Commercial fisheries have begun to overfish due to the extreme demand for salmon - Many restaurants have shut down or reduced their menu of salmon due to the decline.
What's worse - While commercial fishing is an issue, it is also an issue that Pebble Limited Partnerships (PLP) wants to build the biggest pebble mine in North America that will take up 35 billion gallons of water where these whales and salmon thrive.
In Tongass National Forest, the salmon are also at risk as the U.S Forest Service are clear-cutting an acre of the forest every week and also plan on building a restroom facility near the salmon's waters.
Without these salmon, not only would animals at Tongass National Forest and Bristol Bay lose an important food source - But it will also also decline the health of our National forests, environment and overall ecosystem. Please take appropiate action by stopping the overfishing of commercial fisheries and creating stricter policies for the U.S Forest Service and Pebble Limited Partnerships.
These wild fish are an Alaskan treasure, just like the bay and forest, that we can not afford to lose to something preventable and unnessecary.
Thank-you for your consideration.
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