Stop killing dolphins in Denmark!

  • by: no one
  • recipient: the world

The sea is stained in red and this is not because of the climate changes.denmark
It's because of the cruelty of the human beings. "Civilised" people from Denmark kill hundreds of intelligent Calderon dolphins every year.
This happens in Faroe Island every year. The participans are teenagers. By doing this (killing the dolphins) they prove that they are no longer boys but men.
Unfortunately everyone is participating in this activity: the boys who kill the dolphins and the people who stare at this considering it is something to be proud of.

The Calderon dolphins are nearly extinct and are not fierce creatures. They come close to humans out of pure curiosity and friendship.
When they are killed, they don't die instantly. They are cut more than 1 time with thick hocks. At that time they produce a grim compatible with the cry of a newborn child.

I write this, my first petition because it is unacceptable what i see in pictures. Such a civilized and modern country as Denmark should not accept this as being a good tradition for its children and future adults.
Please stop the killing of the dolphins!
They didn't hurt anybody ever!
I hope someone that can do something about this will see my petition and take action! We have to make this horror public so that the world could see what happens in the Faroe Island every year!

you can find many other images on the internet.

ps: there is a movie called "the cove". it is shocking. it is about the killings of dolphins made in japan.
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