A captive elephant named Mundakkal Kannan,which is now kept under scorching sunlight at a place near Karuvatta.It was earlier kept by a person residing near Panachery in Trissur district for past 2 years.Now this elephant is hired by a person named Sinu residing near Karuvatta.The photographs shows that the elephant suffer from wounds all over body.The elephants stands amidst its own wastes.The elephant is forced to bear the heat and heavy downpour as there is no shelter shed as prescribed by the guidelines prescribed by the project elephants for lawful maintenance of captive elephants.This is one of the 384 elephants having no ownership certificate as per the provisions of the declaration of wildlife stock Rule 2003.Therefore the forest department in Kerala have the authority to confiscate this elephant from the custodian who failed to maintain the captive elephant as per the above mentioned rules and guidlines.