Pennsylvania is one of the few states that prohibit the ownership of hedgehogs as pets. I feel as though it is not fair that others have the chance to care for them and we don't. Many of us have owned all kinds of pets and can give them love, care and anything they need to stay healthy and happy. It has been said by Jeff Pyle, our state representative that the species poses no risk to Homo sapiens." and he fully supports the legalization of hedgehog ownership in Pennsylvania.
Hedgehogs cannot survive cool climates below 70 degrees and the cold winters of Pennsylvania would pose a problem if a hedgehog did in fact get out. Therefore there is no real threat of hedgehogs becoming an invasive species in the state of Pennsylvania. With this being said, I would like to add that no pet of ours should be exposed to temperatures that are too low or too high for long periods of times. Snakes, lizards, tropical fish, they are all very temperature sensitive and yet we are allowed to keep them as pets and care fro them with that knowledge.
"They are not rodents, but insectivores that, in addition to insects, will eat tiny mammals or small snakes, says Ron Fricke, vice president of education at the Philadelphia Zoo. Though the hedgehog is native to England, continental Europe, Africa and Asia, the hedgehog found in the U.S. tends to be the African pygmy, or white-bellied, hedgehog, from central Africa. American owners have found the hedgehogs to be litter-trainable and quiet, with distinct personalities; these things, along with their small size, make them appealing and easy to have in the home, as far as exotic animals go."
In conclusion, I believe that we as Pennsylvania citizens should have the right to keep hedgehogs as pets and provide them with the love and care that they need. I see no distinction between us and other states who allow ownership and believe that we needed to be treated with fairness and respect as well. I believe that the Pennsylvania Game Commission should spend more time educating the youth on wildlife in our area and focusing on hunting licenses and hunting safety rather than raiding homes as if the owners are criminals and possibly euthanizing or taking hedgehogs that may be found.
TELL OUR PENNSYLVANIA GAME COMMISSIONERS to let us be responsible hedgehog owners and let us give them love by signing today.