Please sign and share this petition in an effort to stop the ban on the Pitbull Dog in Aurora, Colorado. The dog should not be banned but owners who do not take responsibility for their animals. Don't ban the breed because of a select few who refuse to give them the training and socialization they require. Save the dogs and require education by the owners!
Aurora, CO has a ballot going where they want to vote to ban the Pitbull dog from its city limits. These animals are not born mean and vicious but with neglect and cruel treatment, they are not a breed favored by many. However, the animal is not the one that should be banned because they are what they live, at least in most instances. An animal advocate states "Addressing the owner and not banning the dogs is the way to take care of problems of dogs biting." The non-profit is trying to change the negative perception about pit bulls by focusing on how owners handle dogs. "Dogs are what we make of them and how we manage them" Such groups and others similar say breed-specific legislation is often the result of misguided fears about pit bulls and over-blown media reports about attacks.
This ban on the breed has been in place for several years due to a few dog attacks and those who put it in place believe it to be successful. However, most look at the breed without considering and looking at what responsible ownership looks like. Addressing the owner and not banning the dogs is the way to take care of problems of dogs biting.
Pit bull breeds are not inherently dangerous, referring to numerous other national organizations that oppose breed specific legislation, such as the American Bar Association, the American Kennel Club and American Veterinary Medical Association. "They're pointing blame at a dog as opposed to the people that raised the dog." Don't put a ban on the dog. Require anyone who has a Pitbull or gets one to be registered and get educated on how to properly care for, train and socialize that animal because, given half a chance, people will see the affectionate qualities this breed possesses.
Please sign and share this petition in an effort to stop the ban on the Pitbull Dog in Aurora, Colorado. The dog should not be banned but owners who do not take responsibility for their animals. Don't ban the breed because of a select few who refuse to give them the training and socialization they require. Save the dogs and require education by the owners!
Aurora, Co Judicial System and Law Enforcers - Reconsider putting a ban on the Pitbull breed of dog within your city and state. Speaking from personal experience with the breed, they are not the vicious animal they are portrayed to be. The reason for such behaviors is pent up energies, no training and socialization. Don't ban the breed who doesn't know any better. Implement a program city-wide in Aurora for all Pitbull owners, present and future, to get fully educated by law regarding necessary care, training, socializing and exercising their dogs. Make these classes a mandated requirement to own the dog and issue permits for the pet only after successfully completing the education, training and socializing. Don't strip a person of his constitutional right to have the pet of choice; just demand mandated education so the owner can be fully informed and responsible in the proper care of this sweet, people-loving animal.
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