Justice for a slain San Diego Canine Police Officer
There should be justice for every police officer slain.
Dear Sirs,
We understand that you are more than likely receiving a flood of phone calls and letters regarding the recent death of one of our San Diego Canine Police Officers. We want to express our concern and want to insure that justice is sought for the canine officer (a/k/a Forrest). This five year veteran of the San Diego Police force was murdered when he was left in Officer Paul Hubka%u2019s car without any concern on June 20, 2008. We hope that Officer Paul Hubka is not shown any leniency because of his position. Officer Hubka made his partner suffer for seven plus hours in a car when the day%u2019s temperature reached 108 degrees, making the temperature within the car over 130 degrees. Forrest was in perfect health according to the county%u2019s Animal Disease and Diagnostic laboratory as we are sure you are aware of; he would still be alive had he not been left by Officer Hubka to die of heatstroke. Heating up, breathing hot air, hemorrhaging, barking with panic and no way of escape is a horrific way to die and we hope that Officer Hubka is punished for his actions.
We ask that not only felony charges be brought against Officer Paul Hubka and the maximum penalty sought. We also want to insure that Officer Hubka never is assigned another canine officer since this is the second in his care that has died. We ask that the District Attorney%u2019s office diligently work to insure that this is not swept under the carpet. The public needs to be shown that there isn%u2019t any malfeasance within the department. We hope that Officer Hubka is treated with in the same regard as Cory Byron of Vista that killed Stryker another canine police officer killed this year, when he was grabbed the officer and jumped off the Coronado Bridge with him. Paul Hubka is worse than Cory Byron in that Forrest was his partner, was in his care and trusted him.
We also hope that City Attorney Aguirre stands by his refusal to pay Officer Hubka additional monies sought in his frivolous lawsuit. We appreciate your time and consideration of our concerns.
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