Demand Animal Abuse Laws Be Changed To Protect Those That Can't Speak For Themselves

The status of animal protection laws in Kentucky is unacceptable. Please sign this petition to demand that Governor Steve Beshear change animal protection laws,  and to punish to the fullest extent of the law, anybody found guilty of breaking these laws.

The state of Kentucky placed dead last in the 2013 ranking of animal protection laws recently released by the Animal Legal Defense Fund. Some of the state’s laws even prevent cruelty and abuse from being reported by veterinarians. Tell Governor Beshear that Kentucky’s current stance on animal abuse is unacceptable, and to implement stronger laws protecting the rights of animals.

Dear Governor Beshear,

For the 7th year in a row, Kentucky has placed dead last out of all 50 states in a ranking of animal protection laws by the Animal Legal Defense Fund. This is not acceptable. The laws in the state of Kentucky have serious gaps including, but not limited to:

  • No felony provisions for neglect and abandonment, meaning no jail time will be served no matter how badly the animals are abused

  • No laws preventing serial abusers from owning animals in the future

  • No provisions at all on sexual assault on animals

  • Protective orders cannot include animals

  • Veterinarians are actually prohibited from reporting suspected cruelty or fighting to authorities

Governor Beshear, these glaring deficiencies in the animal protection laws in the state of Kentucky cannot continue. It is completely unacceptable for Kentucky to place dead last 7 years in a row, showing no progress on this important issue over time. In your state there is little punishment for animal abuse and some laws even prevent abuse from being reported to authorities. It is time to change. Governor, make 2014 the year your state steps up and starts protecting animals.


Darlene Wheeler

Update #310 years ago
Every one that has signed this petition, thank you. However, we NEED more signatures. Please share this with every person you know. Have them share it with every person they know, and so on. I will be closing this petition by weeks end. We've got to get the laws for animal abuse changed. Thanks!! And God Bless all of you.
Update #210 years ago
Hello everyone! I again want to thank all of you for signing my petition. I know in my heart that this petition will help in getting the animal abuse laws changed.

I just wanted to let all of you know that international signatures are welcome. Tell everybody you know. Thanks!

God Bless!

Update #110 years ago
I want to thank all of you that have thus far signed my petition on getting the animal abuse laws changed in the state of Kentucky. I would appreciate it if all of you would share this petition with everyone you know. Thank you!

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