Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials are rushing to execute a rushed and controversial study to allow blood thirsty trophy hunters to kill more of this land's iconic mountain lions to see if that will make mule deer numbers climb despite the fact that mountain lions normally remove only the sickly or slow deer, and have other items on their diets.
It is not humans place to decide which animals should live, and which should die. Allowing hunters to literally commit mass murder and take the lives of countless mountain lions would leave their kittens unattended to, and hence cause more deaths as they would suffer from starvation and neglect.
This study is very reminiscent of General Mao's brutal "Great Leap Forward" movement which caused a decline in a lot of animals numbers, namely the Chinese Tiger. On top of that, Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials are rushing the execution of this study in order to keep the public in the dark so as not to deal with opposition. Going forward with this action will also benefit merciless, cruel trophy hunters and give them an opportunity to murder large numbers of innocent wild cats.
Save the mountain lions. No innocent life is worth wasting for an uncertain experiment.
Mountain lions are a national treasure native to the Americas, and have lived in these lands longer than most of cruel trophy hunters and their ancestors.
I urge and beg you to cancel the planned brutal study to allow trophy hunters to kill mountain lions to see if the numbers of mule deer would increase.
It's an atrocious and horrific action that should not be taken. Murdering our iconic and beautiful cats would leave their kittens orphaned and probably lead to their painful death from starvation and neglect. The animal kingdom takes care of its numbers and there is no place for humans to decide which animals should be killed, and surely hunting them cruelly and allowing blood thirsty, gun happy trophy hunters to murder them isn't the way to go. This study is very reminiscent of General Mao's "Great Leap Forward" "Anti-Pest" move that caused thousands of animals to die, and destroyed a lot of natural resources.
Again, I urge you, not just because I'm an animal lover, but because I'm a human with compassion and mercy, to reconsider and show mercy to the mountain lions and spare their lives. I urge you to take a moment to get in touch with your humanity and gentleness and think of how horrible it would be to take those innocent animals' lives away. No life is worth wasting just to answer a hypothetical "what if" question.
Preserve our wildlife, and spare the lives of our land's treasure of mountain lions.