A quick look on the the Department Of Energy & Climate Change website confirmed “On the 28th July 2014, the Energy Minister, Matthew Hancock, invited applications for Licences in the 14th Landward Licensing Round. Applications for Licences will be accepted up to 2.00pm on the 28th October 2014."
A link to a map confirms licenses on offer cover the entire central belt of Scotland. Despite the fact that it is the most densely populated part of Scotland, with 80% of the population, the DECC website reveals not only is the government offering licenses for shale gas and oil exploration but also Coal Bed Methane Exploration, which was subject to a public inquiry in Scotland earlier this year as it is every bit as controversial as fracking.
The licensing areas include Scotland’s capital city Edinburgh as well as the edge of North Berwick, Tranent, Dalkeith, Penicuik, around Edinburgh Airport, Rosyth, Bathgate, Falkirk, Airdrie, Motherwell, Glasgow, Denny Alloa, Dunfermline, Kirkcaldy Glenrothes and Leven. taken from www.opendemocracy.net
"One of the major concerns with unconventional gas is the fugitive emission – methane that is released during the drilling and production. Since unconventional gas requires considerably more wells than conventional gas these emissions can cause considerable environmental damage: it causes both localised air pollution and since one tonnes of methane has the same effect as 27 tonnes of CO2 it increases unconventional gas’ carbon footprint making it more environmentally damaging than coal." quoted from Frackoff web site.
There is no need to take theses risks that will not only pollute Scotlands beautiful countryside but has been suggested causes earthquakes and seriously poisons our waters, there has been suggestion that this also causes serious illness in humans. There has been no serious scientific evidence given to the people NOR have we been asked our opinion on this being done under our feet. Please Stop all these licenses being allowed and ban Fracking from Scotland all together. It is not only dangerous but goes against everything Scotland stands for on environmental and climate issues.