On Tuesday October 13, 2015 a kitten was found on Jefferson Street in Boyne City, The kitten found was with its face painted an orange/pink color and tail broken and an infection growing, This kittens tail was so damaged it had to amputated. It was reported that another cat was seen in the same conditon but they were unable to find it.
The city says that they are "taking this crime very seriously" and are looking for the person who did this. Whoever did it though would only receive community service and a fine, and see no jail time. Which I think and am sure other would agree is not enough for what this cat went through.
So this petition will go to the city council in MI to petition to charge this person with a stricter penalty when found. The person who did this will get through their punishment but have nothing stopping them from doing this again. Whether its counselling or even a few days in jail, this case needs a better ending.
You may look at this and skip it and wonder whats the point, nothing will happen. That is not true, the states seeing that people notice these things will cause them to act on it. this is probably my 30th petition and I know very well, IT CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
PLEASE SIGN AND HELP THIS KITTEN GET JUSTICE, because it will live with the emotional pain the rest of its life
If you want to read an article on the story here is a link