Elephants have long been abused animals for various reasons from their body parts, meat and to use in the entertainment of humans; all of which are unnatural for these majestic animals. Even in the zoo environment, some facilities do not provide the care an elephant deserves. In recent months, the Fish and Wildlife Services has given the permission to the big game parks in Swaziland to ship some of their elephants to three particular zoos in the US that have a past ill reputation for abuse and cruelty. You can read more about these possible moves at http://www.onegreenplanet.org/news/u-s-to-import-african-elephants-to-put-in-americas-three-worst-zoos/
We need to do our part in trying to protect these animals from any further abuse and cruelty. Too many elephants lose their lives daily through poaching for their meat, ivory and body parts. Now the US FWS wants to grant 18 elephants from Swaziland to be placed behind bars in 3 of the poorest zoos. Any zoo is not the best option for an animal that is meant to live freely with its family in a natural setting and habitat.
The defense of the big game park in Swaziland is that the animals will be culled if not moved to these less-than-caring zoos due to an issue with the rhino population. This is not a true fact since the elephants are in their own enclosures. If these animals are not safe at the big game park, why send them where they will be less safe? A better option would be to relocate them to protected parks or sanctuaries outside of Swaziland, kept in Africa where they would live in a preserved, natural life in their own proper habitat.
It has been proven that elephants do not do well in captivity; they cannot populate properly, suffer immensely and have shorter lives due to confinement. Our efforts in this petition is to encourage the FWFS and the Big Game Parks not to send these elephants to these abusive zoos but instead consider sending them to protected parks or sanctuaries outside of Swaziland, kept in Africa. You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition.
Fish & Wildlife Federation Services & Big Game Parks – We strongly urge you not to move any elephants from the big game parks in Swaziland in Africa to zoos in the US, some of which are known for inhumane treatment of animals. Elephants in Africa need to remain in their own lands and if they are in danger at these big game parks, we strongly encourage you to have them moved safely to protected parks or sanctuaries outside of Swaziland, kept in Africa where they would live in a preserved, natural life in their own proper habitat.