End unnecessary cruel, barbaric and inhumane religious slaughter of animals for Halal meat
The majority of british restaurants and takeaways are now serving Halal meat for religious reasons to appease the minority in the United Kingdom. Are you aware of where your meat comes from and the cruel inhumane suffering endured by these animals when they are slaughtered?
The animals are strung up alive by their legs, their throats are cut and they are left to die a slow and painful death whilst to blood drains from their body. It has been scientifically proven that a great deal of suffering and pain is caused to the animals before and during the process even with the new guidelines of stunning the animals before they die it has been proven they smell, feel and see suffering of their families before they are slaughtered which causes them distress.
The meat is not clearly labelled in supermarkets, restaurants and takeaways so most of us are being sold the meat against our knowledge and most of us are unaware of the inhumane and barbaric slaughter methods however their are videos on the Internet that would put you off for life as it has me.
Please sign this petition to ban halal meat in our british supermarket chains, restaurants and takeaways to end this inhumane, barbaric and cruel suffering in the name of others religious beliefs. Animals should have the same rights as humans, unfortunately they can't speak up but we can speak on their behalf!!
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