Animal slaughter is a serious issue. Decapitation, skinning, beating, and even smashing are all LEGAL ways to kill animals. Farmers do it everyday without remorse. Some do have remorse but REFUSE to do anything about their own actions.
My proposal to you is to outlaw these inhumane actions. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal," just like cruel animal slaughter is legal.
Let's change that. When you sign this petition, the person who lets this happen will be notified about your concern. We must stop them in their footsteps and change them.

Dear Head of the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Us concerned citizens here are disappointed in you. You make it legal to slaughter animals in cruel and unusual ways. We hold you and the farmers responsible. Instead of finding humane alternatives of farming, they result to violence. Imagine if it was a human they did that to. Would you still support it?
It's bad enough that people are allowed to kill for sport, but you have to decapitate, squash, and skin them while they are still alive? Is that really necessary?
Your first step is to make farmers feed their animals their natural diet. Your next step is to set stricter regulations for how animals are to be killed for meal. Then you need to set the necessary punishment for violating these laws. I suggest monthly health inspections to see what they are doing. If violated my recommendations are to fine them a high price and/or jail them for a year.
Concerned Citizens