Facebook wants us to pay to reach our fans. That’s 100% okay when you’re selling something, but when you’re trying to save the lives of death row animals, it does not make financial sense. Animal Rescuers have depended on facebook to get the faces out of all the animals in need of homes. Most of these animals are from high kill shelters and are euthanized if not rescued or adopted out. Rescuers create fan pages to get these faces and their information out to the public. Now facebook is charging "Not for Profit fan pages" to reach all their fans. We do NOT make money off these post, we save lives! Tell facebook to change their polilcy for Not for Profit pages and go back to letting ALL our fans see our post. Right now the average is 10% or less, unless you pay.
Dear Facebook,
While we agree with your mission to make money from your site for your shareholders, we are Not For Profit Groups trying to stop the neglected, abused and unwanted animals from being euthanized, by using Facebook as a tool to find them rescue and homes. We do not make money off these pages. To pay you to distribute our posts to OUR followers, people who have signed up to see our posts, makes no sense. Please reconsider this practice for the Not For Profit sites. Help us to make a difference in the astounding euthanasia rate in the United States and other Countries. Along with saving lives these sites provide valuable information about spay/neuter clinics, vaccinations, how to help keep an animal in their home and other valuable information. Please reconsider this practice and help the Not For Profit Sites make a difference not hinder their efforts.
The Animal Rescuers!