Extreme violence and animal suffering was recently uncovered at Bagshaw & Sons slaughterhouse in Leek, Staffordshire. Staff tortured and abused innocent animals in front of each other breaking animal welfare laws. We want this business permanently closed down.
The secret six month long investigation by Hillside Animal Sanctuary produced
a video showing animals being thrown around, stamped on, squashed against walls with fences and being strung up to bleed to death, without being properly stunned and whilst still alive and moving.
The RSPCA, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Staffordshire County Council have now launched their own investigation. The abattoir has been temporarily banned from operating and two members of staff have had their licences suspended while further investigation takes place.
Abattoir boss Anthony Bagshaw has admitted he was in the wrong and expected to have his licence suspended.
The evidence provided by Hillside is clearly strong enough to show that Bagshaw and Sons as a business cannot be trusted to operate humanely. These were not isolated incidents - the footage covers a six month period and shows multiple offenses.
TV vet Marc Abraham, who watched the footage, said:
“What I witnessed is extreme levels of fear exhibited by the animals, especially the pigs. They weren’t really being slaughtered, they were being punished.” Anyone who is cruel to an animal or does not provide for its welfare faces a fine of up to £20,000 or a jail term, Abrahams said.
As such, we call on the RSPCA to prosecute those responsible, for the FSA to revoke their operating licence, and for the Council to ensure the business remains closed.
Dear RSPCA, FSA and Staffordshire County Council,
Extreme violence and animal suffering was recently uncovered at Bagshaw & Sons slaughterhouse in Leek, Staffordshire. Staff tortured and abused innocent animals in front of each other breaking animal welfare laws. We want this business permanently closed down.
The secret six month long investigation by Hillside Animal Sanctuary produced
a video showing animals being thrown around, stamped on, squashed against walls with fences and being strung up to bleed to death, without being properly stunned and whilst still alive and moving.
We acknowledge that the abattoir has been temporarily banned from operating and two members of staff have had their licences suspended while further investigation takes place.
Abattoir boss Anthony Bagshaw has admitted he was in the wrong and expects to have his licence suspended.
The evidence provided by Hillside is clearly strong enough to show that Bagshaw and Sons as a business cannot be trusted to operate humanely. These were not isolated incidents - the footage covers a six month period and shows multiple offenses.
TV vet Marc Abraham, who watched the footage, said:
“What I witnessed is extreme levels of fear exhibited by the animals, especially the pigs. They weren’t really being slaughtered, they were being punished.” Anyone who is cruel to an animal or does not provide for its welfare faces a fine of up to £20,000 or a jail term, Abrahams said.
As such, we call on the RSPCA to prosecute those responsible, for the FSA to revoke their operating licence, and for the Council to ensure the business remains closed.
Please let me know the outcome of your investigation and what measures will be in place to stop this happening again.
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