Points to consider as a parent of YOUR child: Data collection of your child without your consent, parental participation rights stripped, your school tax dollars, school choice and your child's future. Parents and teachers against common core https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/549231011767025/?fref=ts
As a citizen and taxpayer of the State of New York, I petition the Governor, the State Education Department, the Commissioner of Education, and the New York General Assembly to take every action necessary to rescind the State’s participation in Race to the Top, the Common Core State Standards, any agreement to share student data with the federal government or any other governmental or private entity, any national-testing consortium , and any scheme (such as No Child Left Behind waivers) that requires such participation. New York citizens, who pay approximately $13 billion annually in state and local taxes for education, have the constitutional right to exercise 100 percent control over the content standards in our public schools through our duly elected representatives in the New York Senate.
We now have a bill in NYS Assembly Bill # A07794. Now it's time to get one in NYS Senate
Parents and teachers against common core https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/549231011767025/?fref=ts