The Icelandic whaling fleet has started to hunt and kill 150 endangered fin whales; they must be stopped and there is a chance to make an impact by hurting their commercial interests.
While the hunt is on, whaling executives are negotiating the transfer of whale meat slaughtered earlier to Japan and over 1500 tonnes are to be sent via the Northwest Passage. But the ship can't leave port if the government of St. Kitts and Nevis remove their national flag from the vessel. It is a chance to disrepute the tourism dependent nation in front of the global community so that they desist from any involvement in whaling activities.
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To Mr. Timothy Harris, Prime Minister, St. Kitts and Nevis.
Please stop the facilitation or the participation of your country in any kind of whaling activity. As concerned global citizens, we care and demand the protection of endangered whales. We call upon every country to cease involvement with Icelandic whaling, and any kind of cooperation with the coutries engaged in whaling. St. Kitts and Nevis can set an example by removing the national flag from The Winter Bay so that the whalers are unable to export the whale meat slaughtered earlier to Japan. This will hurt their commercial interests and deter whaling activities in the future. We also call upon the world community to prevail upon Japan to stop the Taiji massacre and whaling in the Southern Ocean in the name of research and we hope your beautiful country will be a part of these efforts.
Thank you.