President Obama just released the Clean Power Plan, an initiative to reduce global-warming pollution from the nation's power plants. It's a historic step forward, and when fully implemented will be the equivalent of removing 166 million cars off the nation's roads. This will mean thousands fewer asthma attacks and premature deaths, all while speeding the transition to clean, renewable energy.
But we know Republican leaders in Congress won't miss this opportunity to stand up for the polluters who fund their reelection efforts. In fact, before the plan was even published, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell was calling this a "war on coal" and encouraging states to defy the EPA.
Climate change is already here and greatly impacting public health and the environment. From California's drought to western states' forest fires, the need for action is impossible to ignore. As President Obama said when announcing the Clean Power Plan, "Climate change isn't just about the future that we are predicting for our children and grandchildren, but about the reality that we live in every day."
That's why it's so important that you take a moment right now and urge Congress to listen to the president and the climate scientists urging action - Sign the Care2 petition and ask our leaders in Washington to act now and ignore the polluters funding their campaigns.