Petition to restore the Health Center on Chebeague Island

{Please don't sign if you've signed the hard copy paper petition. Thank you!}

We, the concerned year-round and seasonal residents of Chebeague Island, do hereby petition the Chebeague Island Council to immediately return the Council rooms in the Chebeague Island Hall and Community Center to their original and intended purpose, that being for the provision of health care services, including but not limited to blood drawing services. We recognize that the Council is currently engaged in thoughtful restructuring of their services, but during this process, the immediate health care needs of the community must be met as soon and as completely as possible.

{Please don't sign if you've signed the hard copy paper petition. Thank you!}

We, the concerned year-round and seasonal residents of Chebeague Island, do hereby petition the Chebeague Island Council to immediately return the Council rooms in the Chebeague Island Hall and Community Center to their original and intended purpose, that being for the provision of health care services, including but not limited to blood drawing services. We recognize that the Council is currently engaged in thoughtful restructuring of their services, but during this process, the immediate health care needs of the community must be met as soon and as completely as possible.

Update #19 years ago

On December 16, the Island Council met and Attorney Meg Greene answered questions. Deb Bowman thanked the public for their involvement, but did not take receipt of the petition. There are serious HIPAA violations which necessitated closing the health center and keeping it closed until the violations can be resolved. The nature of violations was not revealed. The by-laws and articles of incorporation do not obligate the Council to provide specific healthcare services.

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