Placing a price "tag" on the life of "big game trophy" species in British Columbia has to stop.

While I do not hunt, any form of non subsistence hunting and especially trophy hunting is repugnant to me. The recent and justified worldwide outrage concerning Cecil the Lion’s death, and the Yellowstone Park tragedy has brought to the forefront that right here at home in British Columbia Canada, the Grizzly Bear and many other big game species are destroyed annually by trophy hunters. These magnificent animals lives are being sold in a lottery style draw based upon Grizzly population estimates by the government of British Columbia.

The Minister responsible for Forests, Lands & Natural Resource Operations in British Columbia is Steve Thomson whom was recently seen on the local evening news (after the death of Cecil the Lion drew media attention to the Grizzly Bear Lottery here in B.C ) and Mr. Thomson stated that here in British Columbia, science was used to determine and control hunting in B.C.

With maybe 15,000 Grizzly Bears in existence (by the governments own estimations) or with as little as 6,000 by other unbiased estimates... and 1,656 permits available in 2015, it doesn’t take a scientist to figure out that if this lottery continues to provide the license to kill, the Grizzly Bear in British Columbia will be hunted to extinction.

Using estimations to insure the continued long term survival of a species, is seriously flawed.

This petition is not about hunting or hunters per se, the hunters and the companies required to guide them,  have well defined rules and regulations throughout British Columbia. Legally hunting for food is not the issue, the issue is that my local government provides the license to trophy kill. I have never seen or heard of anyone that eats bear meat, so why sanction the legal killing of a Grizzly? I think you all know why. 

For all the “Big Game Species” that seem to attract death by their sheer magnificence, for all the innocent animals that have no voice or defense against their unconscionable death through the cross hairs of a high powered rifle……..they need our help……..they need us to speak up.

It’s time we started to stop this…..please sign my petition and pass it on and thank you for caring.

Update #19 years ago
Please pass my petition along to your friends and social network contacts. We can stop this horrible practice of Government sponsored trophy killing. Please help save the Grizzly from government sanctioned slaughter before this apex species is hunted to extinction. I care, and I know you Care2. Thank you all ! / Douglas Jackson

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