How is "RIBFEST" any different than "Cultural or Traditional "Festivals" where various societies sacrifice animals to fictitious Gods?
Some Traditions are best left in History books or writings on Cave walls. IN Vietnam for instance, today, they chop a live pig in half in front of their entire 'tribe' (men, women and children) and this is used to bring them "Prosperity". Animals all over the world, even today, in 2015, are victims of these historic beliefs.
We managed to stop slavery, burning witches at the stake and tossing first born babies to the Volcano Gods.. heck some people even stopped smoking.
We know today through science and experience that man does not need to eat animals (much less sacrifice them) If it were "necessary for man to be eating animals, then all the vegans and vegetarians would be dead by now, or at least sick however the opposite is true. Today we have football players, basketball stars, bodybuilders.. the strongest man on earth today is vegan.
The myth about eating meat is nothing more than tradition, culture, what society has made us believe.
The reality is that it is not healthy for humans, it causes huge collateral damage to the planet including (but not limited to) drought, global warming, mis use of land, natural resources and energy, all of which could be put to better use and the cruelty man causes to another species, just because they cannot defend themselves against man, is embarrassing to mankind. Its horrific. causes pain, suffering, sorrow, insanity, ending in a brutal, untimely death.
Ribfest is a public display promoting all this.. saying this is ok. Its not ok. One day eating meat will be looked at like smoking is today, only done by the odd few... in designated areas only.
Dear "Lawmaker"
Please stop ribfest in your jurisdiction.
How is "RIBFEST" any different than "Cultural or Traditional "Festivals" where various societies sacrifice animals to fictitious Gods?
Some Traditions are best left in History books or writings on Cave walls. IN Vietnam for instance, today, they chop a live pig in half in front of their entire 'tribe' (men, women and children) and this is used to bring them "Prosperity". Animals all over the world, even today, in 2015, are victims of these historic beliefs.
We managed to stop slavery, burning witches at the stake and tossing first born babies to the Volcano Gods.. heck some people even stopped smoking.
We know today through science and experience that man does not need to eat animals (much less sacrifice them) If it were "necessary for man to be eating animals, then all the vegans and vegetarians would be dead by now, or at least sick however the opposite is true. Today we have football players, basketball stars, bodybuilders.. the strongest man on earth today is vegan.
The myth about eating meat is nothing more than tradition, culture, what society has made us believe.
The reality is that it is not healthy for humans, it causes huge collateral damage to the planet including (but not limited to) drought, global warming, mis use of land, natural resources and energy, all of which could be put to better use and the cruelty man causes to another species, just because they cannot defend themselves against man, is embarrassing to mankind. Its horrific. causes pain, suffering, sorrow, insanity, ending in a brutal, untimely death.
Ribfest is a public display promoting all this.. saying this is ok. Its not ok. One day eating meat will be looked at like smoking is today, only done by the odd few... in designated areas only.
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