Do You Love Animals? Do you care how animals in your town are care for?? Do you believe that Hudson could do a much better job?? I know so. I have lived here for four years and have been shocked by the way animals are not cared for and the lack or support or intervention by Hudson animal control and the city manager. Dogs chained with heavy chains, outside with no appropriate shelter in freezing weather nor in times of very high temps. I was actually told that a dog chained outside does not need 24hr access to water. Come on people we live in Texas!! I believe that basic animal safety laws be followed as per State Of Texas Statutes. If an animal must be cared for outside a kenel in apprpriate size, with a three sidded shelter w/i the kenel and access to water at all times. If temps fall below 32 degrees all pets be put inside home or app shelter with hay or blankets with heating lamps within the kennel and dog house..