I was driving home one night after having a night out. A Small muntjac deer ran out and hit the side of my car. I was so worried that i called the RSPCA. As i was waiting he started getting better. I was hoping he could be taken away to get better and then released into the wild again. I was with this poor little deer who was cold and scared for an hour before some one came. The guy who came took one look at this thing and told me that because of the law the only thing to do was put it to sleep. He then got a stun gun out, stunned the deer and then shoved something into its head. It was horrific to see this and upset me so much. But i am so angry that this deer could of been helped.
The Law on Muntjac Deer is this:
Muntjac deer is listed under Schedule 9 to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 with re- spect to England, Wales and Scotland. As such, it is an offence to release or allow the es- cape of this species into the wild.
There is no such law about having to be put down because of them not being native. I was told wrong by the man from the RSPCA.The only reason why it is an offence is because they destroy gardens. Alot of other animals do the same but we have no law against setting them free into the wild. These cute little creatures are apart of the UK now and shoud be treated equily to any other animal. Because of this law these animals cannot be treated if they are hurt.
This is OUR chance to change this law! This is OUR chance to make a difference! lets do something about this. How many more wild animals will have to go through this before some one else does this! Lets put a stop to it now!!!