Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to encourage laws on a national level that would ban the use of elephants and other animals in circuses. In doing so, the animals endure a great deal of abuse and cruelty when being trained to do what the handlers want them to and it is unfair to these creatures!!
Animal activists from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and the Animal Defenders International (ADI) have been working diligently around the world to put an end to the use of wild and exotic animals in traveling circuses. The "Greatest Show On Earth" just recently opened in the Frisco Bay Area and continues to open around the nation; around the world! With pictures of victim elephants in hand, protesters and activists state that "This is how they take the baby elephants and tie them up and beat them to do the tricks you're going to see. Just the way these animals are carted around from city to city all year round, living in parking lots, living i tiny pens and cages for their entire lives. They falsely portray it as a paradise when, in fact, it's a hell hole for these elephants."
Of course those running the circus and handling the animals deny all charges, saying they treat them like family! Really? Witnesses have seen otherwise. Activists are not only targeting circuses but many zoos as well who do not seem to know how to treat their animals with love and respect. Animal Defenders International (ADI) is a major international campaigning group, with offices in London, Los Angeles and Bogota, who lobby to protect animals on issues such as animals in entertainment and their use in experiment, among other animal issues worldwide. Another organization fighting for the protection of animals is Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act (TEAPA).
Members of Congress have also been working with these organizations and hope to pass a bill endorsed by Representative Jim Moran to protect the animals in circuses from abuse! President Creamer of the ADI states that “Magnificent wild animals have no place in a traveling circus, and with this bill, the US joins almost 30 countries across the world that have taken action to end the suffering. Due to the very nature of the traveling circus, wild animals cannot move around or exercise naturally, they live their whole lives chained or tied up, or in small cages that fit on the back of a truck. Our investigations have also shown that violence to control animals is part of circus culture; animals are beaten, whipped and electric shocked to make them perform tricks. This brutality has no place in modern society.”
We have got to do our part to stop the brutality that animals endure in circuses and other facilities across the country. The mounting evidence of inhumane treatment and the growing public concern for these animals demands that we reconsider what are appropriate living conditions for these intelligent, social creatures.
Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to encourage laws on a national level that would ban the use of elephants and other animals in circuses. In doing so, the animals endure a great deal of abuse and cruelty when being trained to do what the handlers want them to and it is unfair to these creatures!!
U. S. Congress Law Legislators - Representative Jim Moran has introduced to Congress a bill to end the use of wild animals in traveling circuses in the US in accordance with the Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act (TEAPA). There is so much abuse that animals endure across the country in circuses across the country. Please pass a national law that will ban the use of elephants and other animals in these circuses such as those that travel. These animals are cruelly treated and kept in insufficient enclosures that is cruel and unsafe for them to live normal happy lives as they are meant as creatures of the wild. Pass the law that was originally initiated by representative Moran and please protect these animals from the unseen but sure abuse they endure just as a form of entertainment to the public. I think if most "visitors & viewers" knew how these animals live and are treated, they too would protest and not want to be a part of their entertaining pleasure. Please pass the law and stop this abuse immediately.
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