The oil and gas industry is allowed to drill and frack for oil and gas against the will of surface property owners in Colorado. Voters in the cities of Longmont, Fort Collins, Broomfield, Lafayette, and Boulder passed ballot measures placing moratoria or bans on hydraulic fracturing out of legitimate concerns over health, property value, environment and general well being. Most of these communities have been sued by the industry, claiming that state law allows only the state to regulate oil and gas production. The Colorado Supreme Court is now preparing to review the case. It is high time to take back our democracy from the hands of oil and gas for the sake of our children, our environment, our health and our happiness.

In 2014, operators reported almost two spills per day in Colorado, with over 10 percent of those spills contaminating groundwater. (1) Recent studies by the University of Colorado, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and others have found that oil and gas fracking operations contribute to grossly elevated levels of carcinogenic benzene in the air over the Front Range. (2) Researchers recently measured benzene levels almost 8 times higher than government agencies had estimated.(3) Fires, explosions, and spills occur frequently at fracking sites in Colorado with at least seven fracking-related fires occurring on the Front Range in 2014.(4) In 2013, Colorado experienced a severe flood which affected several fracking sites. Should another flood occur with fracking sites established in our cities, there is no possible way to ensure that dangerous chemicals would not make their way into the water supply.

This petition is to urge the Colorado Supreme Court to enforce the rights of its citizens to protect their property and health against potential harm. There is absolutely no way to 100% ensure the safety of oil and gas operations within city limits or elsewhere. Please sign this petition to the Colorado Supreme Court to uphold the fracking bans and moratoria.

1. Finley, Bruce. “Oil and gas spills surge, two a day, residents often not notified.” The Denver Post. July 14, 2014.
2.Jaffe, Mark. “Researchers assess emissions from Colorado oil and gas fields.” The Denver Post. November 16, 2014.
3. Finley, Bruce. “Scientists flying over Colorado oil and gas boom find worse air pollution.” The Denver Post. May 6, 2014.
4.Finley, Bruce. “Front Range firefighters gird after oil fires as wells encroach.” The Denver Post. May 1, 2014.

Dear Colorado Supreme Court,

Voters in the cities of Longmont, Fort Collins, Broomfield, Lafayette, and Boulder passed ballot measures placing moratoria or bans on hydraulic fracturing out of legitimate concerns over health, property value, environment and general well being. As the case is reviewed, please stand with the people over corporate interest.  For the sake of our right to democracy and to protect Colorado families health and property values from harm, we urge the court to uphold the bans and moratoria that we the people have adopted.

In 2014, operators reported almost two spills per day in Colorado, with over 10 percent of those spills contaminating groundwater. (1) Recent studies by the University of Colorado, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and others have found that oil and gas fracking operations contribute to grossly elevated levels of carcinogenic benzene in the air over the Front Range. (2) Researchers recently measured benzene levels almost 8 times higher than government agencies had estimated.(3) Fires, explosions, and spills occur frequently at fracking sites in Colorado with at least seven fracking-related fires occurring on the Front Range in 2014.(4) In 2013, Colorado experienced a severe flood which affected several fracking sites. Should another flood occur with fracking sites established in our cities, there is no possible way to ensure that dangerous chemicals would not make their way into the water supply.

This petition is to urge the Colorado Supreme Court to enforce the rights of its citizens to protect their property and health against potential harm. There is absolutely no way to 100% ensure the safety of oil and gas operations within city limits or elsewhere. We ask that the court stand with the people on this critical issue.  What is a state without the will of the voters that make up the state?  The vote in Longmont to ban fracking and the Fort Collins made it clear that most do not want this potentially dangerous corporate activity in our back yards.

1. Finley, Bruce. “Oil and gas spills surge, two a day, residents often not notified.” The Denver Post. July 14, 2014.
2.Jaffe, Mark. “Researchers assess emissions from Colorado oil and gas fields.” The Denver Post. November 16, 2014.
3. Finley, Bruce. “Scientists flying over Colorado oil and gas boom find worse air pollution.” The Denver Post. May 6, 2014.
4.Finley, Bruce. “Front Range firefighters gird after oil fires as wells encroach.” The Denver Post. May 1, 2014.

Update #48 years ago
On this Earth Day, I encourage all signers of this petition to stand up to big oil and gas by forwarding this petition on to others. Let's keep the momentum going and send a strong message to the Colorado Supreme Court!
Update #39 years ago
As more information comes in regarding the adverse health effects and potential disasters that are regularly caused by hydraulic fracking, it becomes ever more evident that we the people must take action to protect our families and communities. Please join me in the fight and get others involved. I challenge all signers of this petition to add 25 additional signers. Share it!! Your town could be next!
Update #29 years ago
Update #19 years ago
TIME IS RUNNING OUT!! The Colorado Supreme Court just announced it will hear oral arguments on December 9th!. Please pass this petition around as much as possible. Could you imagine a fracking rig in your backyard? That is what we are up against even though our city (Longmont, CO) voted NO to fracking within city limits.
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