The Dare County Board of Commissioners,Hatteras NC, sponsored a Hate Environmentalists Video calling environmentalist "American Terrorists" and demanding the ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT to be repealed.Chairman Warren Judge and Vice Chairman Allen Burrus sponsored the video with their appearances in their capacities as Board Members making all of Dare County liable for the civil rights violations to environmentalists.The video has sparked violence to animals,intimidation and threats to anyone helping animals,people being driven from their homes by threat for being environmentalists,and outside environmental organizations being afraid to come to save animals being horribly killed. A hate environmentalist cult has formed of people who run down animals for fun on Hwy 12 and torture and kill stray cats.Hwy 12 is now the MOST WILDLIFE DESTRUCTIVE ROAD IN AMERICAN HISTORY or in the history of mankind as retaliation against environmentalists.Making matters more deadly is that the Board and Sheriff are actively conspiring to keep the EPIDEMIC OF ANIMAL CRUELTY from the public by ignoring the killings so that federal funding for the Bonner Bridge,Hwy 12,and legislation to reopen the beaches closed by environmentalists to save the animals won't get cut off and vetoed by Pres. Obama.So the hate,slaughter of innocent animals,and civil rights violations continue unabated.Sen. Hagan ,Congressman Jones and Rep. Tine are all complicit in the conspiracy to keep the public from knowing about the violence to animals and people trying to save them.Now you know the truth!THOSE ARE 3 DEAD BABY RACCOONS RUN DOWN ALL AT ONCE WHILE FOLLOWING THEIR MOTHER ACROSS THE ROAD WHEN THERE WAS NO TRAFFIC AND KILLED BY THE CAR GOING INTO THE OPPOSITE LANE.I have taken and sent more than 2000 pictures of kills like this to officials.