Foothills Park and Recreation is about to poison prairie dogs on upcoming building sites.
Please, sign the petition to urge Foothills Park and Recreation of Jefferson County to stop the poisoning of prairie dogs on two parcels of their land.
Foothills Park and Rec has sold two parcels of land that are currently the homes to two prairie dog colonies. (A third piece of land which is home to prairie dogs is also for sale but has not been purchased at this time). A group of community members have been working with the Park and Rec Board for the relocation of these prairie dogs. In December the board gave their approval and support for relocation of the dogs. Because these dogs are property of Foothills Park and Rec, the community wanted to keep them within our boundaries. Then, in May, five months later, at a meeting that the prairie dog supporters were not invited to, the board decided against the relocation and the citizens were told to go elsewhere. Because Foothills Park and Rec made this last minute decision they have left no other options, but to poison these poor little animals. Please, sign this petition to insist that Foothills Park and Rec find a piece of land within their boundaries to relocate the prairie dogs. The relocation will be of no cost to the public and has the support of the Humane Society and the Prairie Dog Coalition. There is a group willing and available to relocate the dogs. Foothills Park and Rec has plenty of land available and the responsibility and maintenance of the wildlife within their district falls on them. We urge them to stand up and do the right thing. These dogs are part of our wildlife and play an important part in our ECO system.
Please sign to support this cause and email this petition to friends and family. These animals are a keystone species that directly benefit other animals. We need to do the right things and relocate them. Killing them should not be an option.
Take 2 or 3 paragraphs to describe this issue to readers: why it’s important, and why they should sign.