THIS needs to be STOPPED!!
3 October – In the same week as World Animal Day, Belgian King Filip has been given permission to shoot up to 90 Roe Deer on his Ardenne Estate. The October planned shoots are a truly royal event – Prince Lorenz of Hapsburg and Prince Amadeo, (Princess Astrid’s husband and son), are both expected. To prepare for the event, Filip has this week visited exclusive gun dealer, Maison Binet of Brussels.
Keith Taylor MEP, Green/EFA Vice President of the European parliament´s Animal Welfare Intergroup said
“It is highly insensitive that the Royal Family use a social hunt and create an event to kill 90 animals on their estate. Deer play an important part in woodland ecosystems and any cull should be a last resort and steps should be taken to ensure it is as humane as possible and in no way should this be celebrated.
When increasing deer populations are having a negative impact on other species and the vulnerable habitats and all methods to discourage the use of the area is failing, the decision to cull should be as swift and humane as possible and under tyhe guidance of wildlife experts”
Belgian animal rights’ organisation GAIA has attacked the King´s plans [1] saying “Hunting is a form of violence and defenceless animals are its victim. It is scandalous that a king is partaking in this activity” (Michel Vandenbosh, Activist)
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