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Valter D. Longo is a scientist who has been experimenting on animals. One of his experiments involves starvation of mice to learn about how fasting works. Short fasts are thought to sometimes help medical conditions, when people do them on their own free will. These are animals subjected to cruel experiments, forced to be without much-needed food, and on prolonged starvation "fasts". They do not want to be without food, like a person doing a fast may willingly choose.
Valter Longo even goes as far as using terms about starving, and exploiting.
"The Longo laboratory also showed that the inhibition of IGF-1 and of the aging promoting pathways by starvation can be exploited to protect normal cells and mice but not cancer cells from chemotherapy (Differential Stress Resistance, DSR)."
Of course, here the mice are NOT being protected. They are starving. The use of these words further explain how maniacal he is. These mice are going without food, and not by choice. He is performing completely sick experiments on them. Many experiments he's doing of course won't be mentioned. This statement implies that he tries chemotherapy on mice. I have just recently heard of this, so I've not been able to read more articles about it. I have read enough to know that he is seriously harming mice. I've emailed him at least, telling him how discusting this is, and posted a few places, if anyone could please email him and tell him to stop starving the animals.
These are likely his own words, in wikipedia. In other articles with his own speech, he does say he is starving them. Actually straight up says starving!
"Valter D. Longo is an American biogerontologist and cell biologist known for his studies on the role of starvation and nutrient response genes on cellular protection aging and diseases and for proposing that longevity is regulated by similar genes and mechanisms in many eukaryotes."
This page is likely his own writing. If this is his, of course he will say the mice are protected, out of guilt for harming them. Protected from his sick experiments, in their own body's defense against what he does to them. Certainly not protected by him.
This fasting study involves starvation of mice. It involves prolonged fasting, complete starvation. Read this senseless comment from him:
"When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged,” Longo said. “What we started noticing in both our human work and animal work is that the white blood cell count goes down with prolonged fasting. Then when you re-feed, the blood cells come back. So we started thinking, well, where does it come from?”
This statement is from: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/fasting-for-two-days-could-regenerate-the-immune-system-according-to-research-9506168.html
Scientists act like they've found a treatment full of promise. The truth is, they have not. What's known about fasting being healing (short term, without starvation) has BEEN known. There is no need to starve animals to learn this. It has already been knowledge, for quite some time. Whatever they come up with from their experiments is only senseless, psychotic jibberish. They will do anything to make it sound like they've come up with some great discovery, after they've starved these animals and tortured them. And from how Valter has spoken of starvation and exploitation, it sounds like he is very aware that he is doing this. I'm sure that some scientists do not realize they are harming animals while searching for cures, but how he speaks of his experiments, he may very well know he is causing them much misery.
If the following statements are at all true, about the white blood cells being lost and then regenerated, it will be only because the body is protecting itself against starvation. When something is harming the body, it will try to defend itself. Most people who go without food for half a week will not feel very well. And how can people believe what is said by scientists starving animals, and harming them otherwise for medical purposes? How often was their blood taken, or injected with something? It's bad enough to withhold one meal for imprisoned mice, but 4 days is highly deplored. What are they not telling about the experiments, about how much longer the mice were starved, and how much more damage they caused them? People and animals are supposed to eat.
"Researchers tested the effects of fasting for two to four day periods over the course of six months on both mice and humans. In both cases, long periods of not eating significantly lowered white blood cell counts. And in mice, each cycle of fasting then “flipped a regenerative switch” that triggered stem cell-based regeneration of new white blood cells, thereby renewing the body’s defense system."
Some other pages about this are:
(Here, Longo and other scientists have given mice cancer and tried fasting and chemotherapy on them. They claim that fasting helps against it, when they have zero ability to say this. The mice have immune systems that will be defending them from toxins and starvation.)
Please email vlongo@usc.edu (Valter Longo) to help stop him from starving them.
Another scientist mentioned, at University of Southern California, is Tanya B. Dorff. She can be emailed at: dorff@usc.edu
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