The act of "chaining" or "tethering" dogs causes major psychological damage and is physcially detrimental to the dog. The chaining of dogs is cruel , inhumane and often dangerous and needs to be banned within our county.
The owner of a chained dog unknowingly increases the possibility of their dog becoming a threat to county and residents. A chained dog often becomes aggressive and is at a higher risk of being attacked by another dog, and the chain makes the dog defenseless. The dog goes into fight or flight mode and without choice the dog must fight. When a dog is confined to a chain, they are forced to eat, sleep, urinate, and defecate in the same area, which goes against their natural instincts. These dog are very often unaltered and unvaccinated, producing even more unwanted animals and posing threats to humans. These dogs get loose, bite other animals and humans, and end up in shelters.
If Durham County has a law that bans the "chaining" or "tethering" of dogs, then our county will be a safer place, lowering the possibility of having a vicious dog running loose in our streets, having less unwanted and homeless animals, decrease the high number of animals within our shelters and force pet owners to become responsible for their animals.
Many counties surrounding Durham County have passed bans on the chaining, tethering and tying of dogs. This is overdue in our County as well.
Please sign the petition supporting legislation and changes that will help chained dogs in Durham County, NC.