UK - Reduce the Numbers of Animals Used in Experiments

  • by: Judith B.
  • recipient: Government of the UK

In the UK, the numbers of animals used in experiments is the highest it has been in 25 years.

The Guardian newspaper reports that 3.79 million authorised animal experimental procedures took place in 2011, ranging from inducing neurological diseases to experiments on genetically modified mice. Some individual animals are used for numerous procedures.

Hundreds of thousands of fish, birds and mammals are suffering in this way every year and this is far too many.

Many of these experiments could be replaced by something else and there is no need for so many animals to suffer. Some experiments will be repeating research already done, or going on elsewhere, and for others there may be non-animal alternatives.

Ask the UK government to reduce the numbers of animals used for experiments.

We the undersigned ask that the coalition government stand by its promise to reduce the number of animal experiments. While medical experiments are an ethical minefield, nearly 4 million procedures is far too many.

Respectable animal welfare organisations such as the RSPCA are dismayed at the news that the number of animals used in experiments is the highest it has been since 1987. Allowing a rise is the direct opposite of effecting a reduction.
We ask that you collaborate with scientists to achieve a real reduction in the numbers and to improve the welfare of the animals, including fish, that are used through the aid of habitat enrichment and other techniques.

Thank you for your attention.

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