Burberry is still using fur in its designs. As one of the old British fashion houses, Burberry should be standing proud as a leader of a forward-thinking fashion scene, but instead it's stuck in the Victorian era. Founded in 1856, Burberry is hanging onto 19th century ethics when it comes to its use of fur. Death for fashion cannot be justified!
Minks, foxes and raccoons are just some of the animals who will suffer at the hands of a bad fashion choice. How could somebody wear the skin of one of these animals draped around his or her neck? Animals raised for fur are kept in some of the worst conditions imaginable, and they suffer horribly painful deaths. Anal electrocution and drowning are common methods used to kill the animals so as not to damage their fur. Burberry's decision to sell fur has become the animals' death warrant.
We are asking Burberry to follow the lead of Stella McCartney, Vivienne Westwood, Ralph Lauren and other top designers who have stopped using fur in their designs and to ADOPT
cruelty-free alternatives.
Burberry, please stop using the fur of animals in your designs. Death for fashion cannot be justified. Please stop killing millions of animals for nothing but a fashion trend
that will die out next season.