While Facebook has "Community Standards" that dictate the content allowed on Facebook, there are currently no rules about pages that promote animal CRUELTY and TORTURE. However, such pages are constantly on FB, promoting the pain and suffering of countless innocent animals.
Case in point NICK BEDER :- flagrantly posts his trapping of wild animals in vile foothold traps. These cause excruciating pain over long periods of time, yet he is pictured smiling, holding dead, dying and tortured animlas. And by reading his followers' comments, it seems to be an attraction for similar sadists.
Facebook standards must be revised to include a specific statement banning the promotion of animal cruelty!
Facebook Community Standards currently state, “Graphic images shared for sadistic effect or to celebrate or glorify violence have no place on our site.” However, just such pages promoting animal cruelty are allowed to exist despite their obscene, violent, and sadistic nature.
Even events are organized to encourage disgusting acts of abuse ,with graphic pictures, are posted in twisted celebration of the torture, suffering and death of animals.
Revisions must be made immediately to prevent any content that supports or encourages animal cruelty. Clauses need to be added to the “Violence and Threats” section, as well as the “Graphic Content” section of the Community Standards to include banning all forms of promotion of crimes against animals, and existing pages should be stringentlty monitored and immediately removed.
Urge Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to display his support of the humane treatment of animals by banning the promotion of animal cruelty on Facebook.