Please sign and share this petition to convince the Manatee County to step up their plan and the report in favor of Animal Control and Care. Troubles continue with the Manatee County Animal Services Division and their report on these issues are still behind the proposed deadlines. We need to encourage them to comply with authorities and get the reports completed in the best interest of the animals.
Manatee County Animal Services Division is being audited by county officials regarding their animal services operation. The report required of them is to include interviews, tour county facilities, send out anonymous questionnaires to employees, profile the organization, and diagnose and evaluate its operations. The report was due by end of July but is still delayed.
The report was requested due to a connection with an animal abuse case involving a private shelter where they had sent animals for care. Owners of the East Manatee animal rescue, called Napier's Log Cabin Horse and Animal Sanctuary, face multiple counts of animal cruelty and fraud. Napier's was raided recently by a multi-agency law enforcement effort led by the Manatee County Sheriff's Office, which found animals living in deplorable conditions, according to investigators.
Although charges were never filed on this case, investigation showed long-standing, serious problems at the Napier sanctuary such as poor sanitation and lack of food and water for animals. More information can be found at To end further animal situations, we need to encourage Manatee County to complete this report in an effort help officials put an end to any possible animal abuse.
Please sign and share this petition to convince the Manatee County to step up their plan and the report in favor of Animal Control and Care. Troubles continue with the Manatee County Animal Services Division and their report on these issues are still behind the proposed deadlines. We need to encourage them to comply with authorities and get the reports completed in the best interest of the animals.
Manatee County Animal Services Department - Please ensure that you complete your required reports involving animal abuse and cruelty in and near your area. Doing so will emphasize current animal abuse while making efforts by officials to stop current and future such cases. It has been noted that this division is not doing all it should to protect animals as you should be, and you need to comply with your responsibilities as the Animal Services Division in Manatee County. Protect the animals and stop animal abuse and cruelty!