I recently took a cruise on Royal Caribbean and visited Cozumel, Mexico! I will never go back to that awful place EVER again. I witnessed a horse that was skin and bones pulling a carriage with ignorant tourists that thought it would be fun to take a carriage ride! The horse had swollen, bloody, scabbed knees, very long toes and looked like he was about to drop dead from being undernourished and having heat stroke! I was yelling at them to get off the carriage and the Mexican guy that was taking them for a "ride" was laughing at me while he was whipping the horse to go faster! I was in tears! We immediately went back to the ship after witnessing this as I would not spend one penny of my money is this evil place. The only money that I spent was a donation to the Humane Society of Cozumel that are doing the best they can to get homeless animals good homes!
When returning to the ship we spoke to some other passengers that also felt the same way. Hopefully they will also speak up and do something about this.
We also stopped in Jamaica and also witnessed too many stray animals walking around and no one seems to care. This was heartbreaking to witness and ruined my vacation. I could not get the images out of my head!
I stopped to speak to a gentlemen that is a volunteer for the Humane Society of Cozumel and he told me he has witnessed the horses dropping dead in the streets attached to carriages pulling these STUPID, IGNORANT tourists around! This has to stop!!!
ALL CRUISE LINES should get together and refuse to stop at any of these ports where this horrific animal abuse is going on. The cruise lines are the islands main main source of income and I guarantee that they could stop this abuse if they got together and did something about it! Please sign this petition so we can forward it to Royal Caribbean, Carnival, Princess and any other cruise line that stops in Mexico or any other ports of call where this horrendous animal abuse is happening.
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