We are working to protect live baby chicks and ducklings that are most often transported to destinations via the postal service. Sign and share this petition to help us in our efforts to ask for better regulations when shipping these live animals.
Noah’s Ark in Locust Grove, Georgia recently rescued hundreds of baby chicks less than a week old that were shipped through the postal service but never reached the intended destination. These tiny young animals were shipped with several in each box, the boxes stacked upon each other. Several of the chicks did not survive the ordeal. Although it is common practice to ship these babies via the postal service, without following specific regulations, the animals are in danger of dehydration and death.
11Alive.com states that hatcheries ship millions of day-old chicks a year through the mail safely, to farmers and restaurants, and to individuals who are able to keep chickens for fresh eggs. It's big business. Chicks hatch with the ability to live on the nutrients from the yolk for three or four days, without additional food or water, which makes that brief period perfect for mail orders.
Often times, shipment of chicks is prominent around specific holidays like Easter; however, there are also concerns with the backyard chicken movement aimed at reducing reliance on awful factory farms. In order to protect these young tiny animals through postal shipments, we need to encourage specific conditions for their safety and well-being until they arrive at their destination. You can help us in our efforts through your signatures and sharing of his petition to make our voices heard.
Georgia U.S. Representatives & Senators – We are urging you to implement specific regulations and conditions in your state regarding the shipping of live animals like baby chicks and ducklings. A recent shipment through the postal service was rescued by Noah’s Ark since the shipments did not reach the intended destination and many of the animals were dead. Live animals should be shipped with specific requirements that has to do with timing and age of the young animals. Ensure that safety and well-being of the animals is a top priority so that they are not deprived of food and water, leading them to harm and, often times death.