Northern BC's appalling of a project
Enbridges pipelines are the largest gas distribution utility in Canada, and also one of the largest growing in North America. With an average of 2.2 million barrels of crude oil and liquids passing through these pipelines daily. So if there was a leak or break in the pipelines or just a huge disaster it would make a big mess and completely ruin the environment surrounding the pipelines.
The new projected Northern Gateway project will run through many First Nations land and especially the Haisla Nation and it will threaten their ways of life. The pipeline runs through rivers and streams where aboriginal communities live along and it will ruin their lifeblood of their culture because they will haves trouble finding clean water and fish and crab to eat. The former chief leader of the Haisla Nation Gerald Amos says "our connection to this place that we call home is really important and if these little ones cant witness us doing what we've done for generations now, we will soon no longer be Haisla. Canada's conservative government says it will only approve projects that are safe for people and the environment so they are reviewing this project and they rule on the project in mid June, and if it is approved the Haisla Nation says it will bury Enbridge in many lawsuits.
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