End Yulin Dog Meat Festival(Dog and CatTorture Festival)
- by: Ray S
- recipient: Ambassador Mr. Cui Tiankai and Ms. Wu Xi(Washington D.C)
What is the 'dog meat festival'?
It is not a festival at all. It is a cruel and disgusting spectacle of dog meat eaters who crowd in to the markets at Yulin, Guangxi around the Summer Solstice time. Dogs (and cats) are beaten, stabbed, burnt and skinned, while the animal is still alive.
Why such cruelty?
It is a myth that the cruelest torture makes the meat more tender. The more adrenaline that is released by the animal, the tougher the meat. This also means that more toxins are released in to the animal's body and then in to the meat eater's body.
How can you help?
More people than ever know about this 'festival' at Yulin which means more pressure is put on the Yulin and Chinese main governments. You can write to, email or phone the Chinese embassy in your area, attend or arrange protests, sign petitions, share Chinese activists' work to raise more awareness but most of all; NEVER GIVE UP. Stand with us in unity.
Supporters have sent letter every day begging the Chinese embassy in Washington D.C. to find a way to end the DCMT and the Yulin dogmeat festival. Sometimes more than one letter. I include pictures of my pet. I Address them to Ambassador Mr. Cui Tiankai and !inister Ms. Wu Xi. At 3505 International Place, NW, Washington, D.C. 20008. The same address that the rally on May 19, will be happening at.
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