The inhuman, cruel treatment of animals for consumption must be stopped. The food agency, after seeing the videos made by Bite Back dares to judge : " There are no violations" !? That makes me doubt their mental faculties . What the pictures show is reality : cruelty and inhumanity above all: simply called: torture! Look at the video and judge for yourself. Is that how you want animals to be treated?? Not mine !! or visit the website of Bite Back Belgium:
The video's are so horrific that you must log on to youtube to confirm your age before you can look at them -> says it all…
Stop the cruel trade in animals: provide clean farming with respect for the animals. Nothing less, nothing more!
Pleas share this very urgent petition with all your friends and family. Thanks !!
This really is the world upside down: animal abusers are dragging people (BiteBack org.) who demonstrate the atrocities in pig farms to court because The Federal Food Agency saw "nothing wrong".
Are they blind? The photos and videos speak for themselves, they are not manipulated and demonstrate the cruel truth, no more no less. Pig farmers invoke: backbiting and defamation? How can showing the truth be defamation? The shocking images are just showing what really happens in those farms: nobody can deny that. That is no way of treating animals for consumption and must be severely punished. Animals are living beings with feelings: they experience pain, anxiety, stress, etc. but also love and happiness if they get the chance to… All animals should be treated humanely without exception. What happens in those Flemish pig farms is inhuman and must be punished, not the other way around. If there are no laws that make such treatments punishable, then it is high time they are made.
Check out the photos and videos and if you can honestly say, that you as a living being, would like to be treated that way, then punish BiteBack if you do not: punish those cruel pig farmers and make sure that such atrocities can no longer occur, and not only in pig farms but wherever animals are farmed for any reason whatsoever.
The animals do not need mattresses with silk sheets, just having a good life: having the opportunity to see and feel daylight by being able to come out from the stables, not being kept in narrow spaces where they can not move and never see daylight of there entire short life.
Be a man, be human, stop this inhuman and barbaric treatment of animals. Make sure there are adequate laws to protect animals against the monster “man”, and do it now!
Thank you.
Yours sincerely.
P. Margaroli
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